2019: Looking Back
Already more than a month into the year 2020, I'd like to express my gratitude to all the kind people, organizations and jazzfestivals who have booked me in the past year of 2019! Because of them I can now look back at so many fun moments, sharing beautiful REAL music with dancers and listeners alike. Let's continue honoring and celebrating the musical treasures from the past, let's not forsake our musical educators, we need them now as much as we ever did.
June 23rd, 2013, I was a guest DJ at the Dutch National Radio, station Radio 6. I was there in the 2nd half of the show.
You can hear the show back via 'uitzending gemist' at this site: radio6.nl/wickedjazzsounds
Or just listen to my playlist from their 'mixcloud': mixcloud.com/WickedJazzSounds/20130623-dj-set-philippona-at-wicked-jazz-sounds-on-radio6nl
July 28th, 2014: another Radio hour, with video
Having fun at Dutch Radio once more, full hour this time!
Music and interviews (in Dutch) : www.radio6.nl/video/show/winfrieds-woonkamer/69881
Video with Radio 6 interview July, 13th 2014
The day I spinned at the great North Sea Jazz Festival, I first came to the radio studio.
Radio 6 interviewed me and there was time to share three beautiful pieces of music! : radio6.nl/video/show/north-sea-jazz-interviews/69845
20140712 DJ Philippona at North Sea Jazz 2014
So happy and so proud to be joining many of my very favorite jazz- and soul 'stars' and artists at my favorite festival: North Sea Jazz. I'll be spinning Sunday afternoon, July 13th at the TIGRIS Roof-stage from 3.30 till 6 pm: northseajazz.com/nl/programma/2014/zondag-13-juli/blokkenschema
The other DJ Gigs!
Of course I also do private events as a DJ. They are not visible in the agenda. Oftentimes they are very inspiring too! September 20th I supported 1500 Metalworkers on a strike in Rotterdam with my music.
The day after I DJ'd at a very intimite party to just 'Celebrate Life' in a beautiful villa in the middle of the forrests, love that pinetree smell!
DJ Philippona's BLOG
Christmas 2017 you will find my first article in DJ Philippona's Blog